Wednesday 6 January 2016

Writing About What I Dare Not.

There are many things I dare not write about anymore.. Not in so many words, anyways.

Touchy subjects arise from the plaster of our floors (that we never knew were plaster) and tingle our feet, and we care too much about things we’ve never really even given a thought before… And suddenly there are many things you think and feel that you’d never express in anything so tangible as words.
And yet, that’s all I want to write about. If you know what I mean? If you get my dilemma?
Because maybe this Christmas a certain someone that I know has finally asked a certain someone else I know to be his girlfriend.. And dare I even say so much? No, and yet I do.

My mother was in an interesting mood tonight. She kept remarking on how fascinating life is, with a laugh. I have to agree… I find it hilarious. I like taking my many knowledges and opinions and the things I know have occurred and have been said and glueing together pieces of many puzzles and stories and dramas behind the scenes involved in my life and others’. It’s incredible, really!

Did you know my life can be, is, has been rather dramatic? ’tis true!
I used to scribble words on pieces of paper bemoaning the fact that I am just not the type of person people normally make friends with. “A ready smile.” being my main characteristic, one sentencing me forever to the life of a mere boring, nice acquaintance of all who come to know me.

And yet! Now! Here! Yesterday! …. If only I could tell you, and we’d laugh over it all together! But you see, I can’t. What a damper it is on one who wants to write when one can’t even say anything… not a single thing.
How am I supposed to write being able to say nothing?

Some people confuse me endlessly. (people who wish not to be friends.) Some people frustrate me endlessly. (friends who wish not to be ‘friends’) Some people I adore endlessly. (kind people.. just kind people.)
I think kindness is beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous. I don’t care what other issues you may have… but if you can be a kind person (truly kind, inside out) then I am pretty sure to think you’re pretty great.
Likes those sweet things that I’ve never even had a full conversation with (let alone heart-to-hearts) but who I will endlessly be ready to hug and smile and say hello to, because their beautiful heart which I’ve never seen I’m sure is there.

Have you ever just known something? Been absolutely dead-set sure of it… With no exactly certain way to explain it to other people, and they understand not…. But you know it?

I have. There are many things I feel… that I never say. And yet, they make all the difference.

Excuse me it’s midnight and please don’t read too much into what I infer here. (things can’t be said you know!) and yet there is much to be read. And words are becoming much too many and much to vague as I seek to convey that which I cannot.

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